Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wow Weddings

So hey it's 2011 and apparently this is the year of weddings. I am so excited for all my friends that are getting engaged and married this year. My roomie Susie and I have decided to attend at least one wedding per month. Thus far I've got Jan, Feb, July and Sept booked but I'm pretty sure the rest of the months will fill up soon. I'm excited for my dear friend Amy who is marrying her sweetie Armando.. I'm in this one.. fun times on the beach but yikes it might be chilly cuz it's in Jan. Well I can't wait to see God work in the lives of all these marriages. Though weddings are a blast and I love celebrating and dancing... yes there better loads of dancing..the marriages and how these men and women live their lives under God's sovereignty and how they love each other is what I can't wait to see. God bless all my friends who are getting married, already married and single... I'm in this boat.. fret not peeps cuz in this season of singleness God had wonderful things yet for us to do for him...waiting is not always fun but God's plans are always good. Praise God for knowing exactly what we need and what we need most is HIM!!!!


Claire said...

You have an informative blog. I’ve learned something from it. I do have mine too Thanks

Donna Dawe said...

So how many more wedding did you wind up attending this year?