If you have only a few minutes to share with someone the good news/ the gospel truth... what would you say.
Is the Gospel something complicated or simple. Can we actually preach to those we meet on the street or a neighbor or even a friend in a few minutes.. the truth of salvation..
Well how did you believe.. become saved.. was it through a rigorous testing of your knowledge of the old and new testament? Did you pour over the entirety of the bible and after reading until your eyes were crossed and the words blurred... did you then obtain enough knowledge to understand ... the simple truth
... that you (Astrid, etc. entire race) were in deep enmity with the Lord. In fact you rebelled against all that was and is good- your creator - God. Your opposition to the truth destroyed the relationship you could have and separated you from his love for eternity... But God rich in his mercy-- sent his son Jesus Christ ( who was and is perfect to die ( pay the price) for your wrong doings. His blood redeemed you from the wrath ( just punishment of your sins and hatred ) and saved you by his grace to be again rejoined to his family and have communion with Him.....
That's it -- that's the plan of salvation..but it's gotta be harder than believing right.. well not really.. the hard part is living having shed this old self ( enemy of God ) and living as a follower of Christ.
What brought this on you may ask...
Let's go back to approximately 2 and half hours ago.
It's 4:07 p.m. and I'm at the 99ct store shopping for soap. At about 4:25p.m. I leave having bought the soap, pasta, whoopers, and chocolate cream cheese...how is it that when you go in for soap you end up with more ( unless your my husband... more on that story later)
So usually at this 99ct store there are men and women who have donation buckets for the salvation army or a church organization. I had a dollar and well apparently God impressioned on my heart that I also had time to listen and talk to this young man who felt called to now share the Gospel.
As I began to talk with Gabriel about the Gospel, he was continuing into this path of sharing verse after verse with passion yet no connectivity, I felt compelled to share with him that I was a believer and understood the simplicity of the Gospel but asked him if he could practice and share with me what he would with an unbeliever. Gabriel was silent. He thought he was sharing the entire gospel; but all I continued to hear were scriptures and contradictions. I began to dig deep and ask Gabriel to relate to me as if I was someone who didn't understand the many doctrines he spoke of..again.. silence and a pause. I could see his desire to impart wisdom in the way that his church had trained him and in the way he believed others should know. We talked about false doctrine and how it could be decieving unless you were told the entire truth... well what exactly is that truth... If you have a limited amount of time to share with someone-- a seeker, an atheist, whoever it may be.. what can you tell them about Christ. As we continued to talk I realize an uneasiness within Gabriel's admittance in the simplicity of believing and instead I see this longing to push one to understand as much biblical knowledge as the sharer ( in this case Gabriel ) can impart on the unbeliever. What of this knowledge..does it save. Does knowing so much about the Bible and Jesus or coming to terms with various doctrines and the differences in denominations and teachings.. Does that save?
Or does Christ in his own words Repent and Believe say enough.
An interesting discussion about politics lead to the concept of humlity. Can God save you where you are or should you abandon your earthly position to recieve the gospel.. moreover.. when you have been saved does your new life warrant that you must relinquish the political position of power you once held....or does God's glory magnify when we are glorifying him in our same roles but with changed and tranformed hearts. Gabriel had to think about that.. and after i posed another senario a wealthy person who becomes saved.. does he litterally need to sell his possession and follow Christ..well maybe or maybe not. If his possession continue to keep him from serving... then yes... but what if his mansion is a place where others can benefit. Gabriel said he could make his home a church building... Using what God gives us to futher his kindgom.. in the end we are striving to live a life honoring our maker in whatever capacity he gifts to us.
I would love to share the the various tangents we came across in our discussion but at the crux of it I knew he already seen that even in my belief of the simplicity of the cross and the life we are to lead afterwards... he continued cling to the belief that was just too easy.
As we parted ways I said I would pray for Gabriel and asked him to pray for me...and reminded him that in the end the doctrines we cling onto or deny are nothing without the saving grace of believing in the Christ who death ransomed me from the hell I would be in otherwise.
Needless to say an hour or so later.. as we talked in the hot sun, as passerbys walked in and out of the store...God continued to show me the amazing truth of his presence in our lives. Despite the differences Gabriel and I have in doctrinal truths... I deeply desire that as he does share the gospel to others on his door to door walks with his church... that the it would simply be the truth.a simple truth of faith, repentance and living a new life in obedience to his word.
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