Tuesday, August 10, 2010

End of Ecclesiates What I'm still learning. Part 3

SO I was re-reading Ecc Chapter three to day and I am always so thankful for fresh insight or rather God sight at my life and this fun seasoning of learning to trust God more than I have been. In the first part of the chapter Solomon lays it out saying there is a time a season for everything, time to be born, time to die, time to plant, time to pluck what is planted, time to kill, time to heal, time to break down, time to build up, time to weep, time to laugh, time to mourn, time to dance, time to cast away stones.. so as I'm reading this i ponder about the various seasons of my life and the constant is God's faithfulness. God promises us sorrow but he also promises us joy and dancing. God gives us times to embrace and times to pull away, times to keep silent( seems that I don't do this as often as I should) and a time to speak( what I do all too often)
Here I am in another season of life. Maturing ever still though this too should be constant I seem to have in the past been more allowing for to it being a seasonal thing.. Growing is always and daily. So as I looking back the last couple of weeks months, years I see the amazing grace of God in litterally pulling me through and holding my hand because I can be kind of a mess at times. It's always amazing to be looking back but I realize I am fortune to know that my God is constantly seeing the entire scope of all my season and that he is with me all the way. May I be striving for this kind of faithfulness in Him and trusting of his plan rather than living in the season of doubt... and forgetting that these times are merely between breathes and I am His and to be used for his Glory. Right now I am in a time of contemplating my heart with regards to short term missions and how I can better serve... pray with me

1 comment:

amy said...

thanks for the reminder, which I needed today as the tears agian flow freely and more frequently, that i am in another season and God will bring me through. Thank God His grace doesn't depend on me.