Holidays -- no matter how big or small have always been tense. This year father's day includes 2 dad. My dad and Adam's and well lets just say I was tense about one of the celebrations.
Saturday... lazying around with my hubby and preparing for my dad's birthday dinner and father's day rolled into one. Didn't quite know what to expect. Usually arguments ensue over no particular reason...sometimes being alive is a good reason to push a button or fight... but much to my suprise...nothing
Dad and little mo came over and we had a great time discussing the gospel- this doesn't happen often and I'm usually not one to venture down this path as it has bitten me in the butt previously...but when Dad has something pressing on his heart-- well that's fine. Back story ( Mom recently saved, Dad believes in God- though his actions display no fruit and a lack of complete submission.) So here Dad has just helped with a pastor at his apartments set up for a banquet to promote various services and raising money to support organizations etc... During the time of this banquet- mom inside and dad outside conversing with the pastor. Dad was recieving with an open heart the gospel and not only that application through the pastor's life. It was encouraging to see that my dad was really listening and absorbing the truth that so many others have tried to share.
Personally I see this as an answer to prayers that have spanned a decade--God please send someone specifically an older male to show Christ and encourage him. So I pray that this pastor who has taken an interest in my father will continue to witness with his life.
As he and Adam discuss the scriptural truths... my heart is beaming realizing that all the years of wondering and hoping...and know seeing -- even in it's begining a tiny crack in the shell of my father's barrier to God's desire for his heart--- we have an amazing and faithful sovereign God who still teaches me patienly wait my child for my plans are good.
Though I am hopeful I am also realistic and realize that there must be a continuing of spreading seeds... God plants the seeds, waters and bursting forth from the hardened earth of our compacted hearts--- be births new life...
It was a good day...
Sunday... Dad # 2.
Now these ocassions I don't usually find tense-- because they actually like holidays and enjoy talking about Christ and relaxing--- though dicussions can become heated--- oh for the love of talk radio-- my in-laws and husband...
Before we get to celebrating FAther's day with the Keans... we'll get to the convictions of my heart with the message on father's at church
Basically as I was listening to Pastor remind us of the amazing Father we have in God and that our earthly fathers though not comparable are to be honored... God commands us to honor our father and mother and we will have a have a long life ( Exodus 20:12) Honoring is a hard thing to do because of the relationship we have --- that I have with my father, but God's word does not leave us with an option of ifs...
Honor father and mother if... they are good, if they give you everything you need, if they are biblical parents, if they always treat you well and with respect...
Nope folks.. It just says do it.. because I God the father command it... and also it has a promise-- long life... well who doesn't want that. I'm sure some of us have another agenda for our lives and yeah the often morbidity in my character leans towards well saved me --- doesn't see death as a minus... because it's temporal... but i digress and we really have a purpose that requires us to be used as we are living in Him...
So Pastor reminds us that we honor our earthly fathers in these ways..
1. Work at a way to fulfill their dreams
2. Don't expose your dad's weakness
3. Focus on the good things they did.
Now regarding Dad's dreams-- I've never been the supportive, optimistic child who believed in my father's dreams... I often found them too large and unrealistic... I now realize that my dad really only wanted my affirmation and support... Working on my sinfulness tendencies to be a cynic...
The 2nd one is my biggest downfall as I have often portrayed my father in a discouraging light do to our tumultous relationship.... As God continued to convict my heart in service I realize that my witness to him these past 10 years have been poor. I have far too often refused to forgive and forget the hurt and pain he has caused --- knowing I was forgiven by my savior. Then remembering what they did good. There are good memories of my father and I am actively working on future good memories.. thankfully I have a wonderfully patient husband who love my dad and whom my dad loves.
So as I sat and listened and realized the changes I needed to make in my relationship with my father... I am celebrating with my beloved' father and he had a similar relationship with his dad.
As the afternoon drifts and the food settles in our bellys...Adam and Holly remember the good and fun memories they have shared with Ken( dad -in-law) and I chime in with some of my favorite memories. I observe the laugther and joy that Ken has as they recall stories and as he remembers the tense past he had with his own father... He wants to be better for them and as a result their legacy to carry on from his love of them. I am also remember the good times with my own dad... and I am acutely aware of the legacy parents especially fathers leave for their children....
Dads and Moms are constantly shaping their childrens steps with each encourgaging word, disappointing rant, teachable moment, presence, absence -- Children are noticing, taking, redirecting, absorbing, repeating, and living their lives with the great influence of their Fathers and Mothers...
As I am learning to be a wife and one day may become a mom..I want to honor my father and mother as I would hope my children honor me and continue this legacy that God commanded us..
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